How To Cook Cinnamon Rolls on a Blackstone Griddle
How To Cook Cinnamon Rolls on a Blackstone Griddle

Cinnamon rolls are an irresistible treat that is adored by all. A Blackstone griddle is the way to go if you’re looking for the ultimate cooking experience. This remarkable cooking surface guarantees flawless results and perfectly even heat distribution. Prepare for mouthwatering cinnamon rolls with a delectable golden-brown exterior and a succulent, melt-in-your-mouth texture.


How To Cook Cinnamon Rolls on a Blackstone Griddle
How To Cook Cinnamon Rolls on a Blackstone Griddle


Firstly we make dough.

For the dough, we need the following:

  • All-purpose flour
  • Granulated Sugar
  • Instant Yeast
  • Salt, Water
  • Unsalted melted Butter
  • Egg
    For Filling, we need:
  • Unsalted Softened Butter
  • Brown Sugar
  • Ground Cinnamon
    For Cream Cheese Frosting:
  • Cream Cheese softened
  • Unsalted softened Butter
  • Powdered Sugar
  • Vanilla Extract
  • You can also add dry fruits, nuts


  • First, add flour and granulated sugar to a large mixing bowl—instant yeast and salt.
  • Take a separate microwave-safe bowl, add milk or water, or heat them.
  • Add warm milk to dry ingredients and an egg or melted Butter.
  • Mix all ingredients or make a dough. You can use your hands or a dough mixer for mixing.
  • Knead dough for a few minutes until it becomes smooth. Sticky dough is not useful, so avoid the sticky dough.
  • Now put the dough on a side and cover it with a clean kitchen towel.
  • Now prepare filling. take a box and add softened Butter, brown sugar, and ground cinnamon or mix.
  • Roll out the dough on a clean surface with some flour spread on the surface.
  • Spread a mixture of filling or rolled dough. At this time, you can add dry fruits over it.
  • Now take one edge of the dough and tightly roll it into a longer shape.
  • Now preheat your Blackstone griddle on medium heat. Then place the cinnamon rolls on a grill also leave some space between each roll.
  • Cook the cinnamon rolls for about 13-15 minutes. Flipping is compulsory. Cook until the roll becomes golden brown.
  • Simultaneously, prepare cream cheese frosting. Add all ingredients of frosting in a bowl.
  • As cinnamon rolls are cooked, remove them from the grill and let them aside for coaling.
  • Add frosting on cinnamon rolls, and your roll are ready.
  • Quantity and temperature depend on your choice.

This is the process of how to cook cinnamon rolls on a blackstone griddle. You can quickly try this process at home.

Discuss Some Essential Tips

  • Always preheat the grill. It gives a good texture.
  • When you prepare the dough, follow the instructions properly. Avoid sticky dough as well.
  • Rolling out the dough is an important point. The thickness of the dough always matters.
  • Spread filling properly. Don’t spare any part of the dough.
  • Always grease the griddle before use. It gives good. Juicy texture to rolls.
  • Cook evenly from both sides of the roll. Flipping is also essential. Check properly when you cook cinnamon rolls.

This is the beneficial tips of how to cook cinnamon rolls on a blackstone griddle. Remember all tips when you cook Cinnamon rolls.

Some people ask questions frequently about cinnamon rolls or Blackstone griddles, so now we discuss questions and answers individually

Q1. Which temperature is good for cooking cinnamon rolls?

Preheat the Blackstone griddle to a medium temperature, around 325F°. Preheating is suitable for cooking. It cooks evenly.

Q2. Is grease or oil necessary for a Blackstone griddle before cooking?

Brushing oil, butter, and oil spray suits a Blackstone griddle. It prevents it from sticking and gives a good texture.

Q3. How much time do cinnamon rolls take to cook?

It depends on the size and thickness of the dough. It also depends on your desired color. Commonly it takes 12-15 minutes to cook.

Q4. How do we prevent cinnamon rolls from burning?

Firstly, preheating the Blackstone griddle is essential. You should properly adjust the temperature of the Blackstone to avoid burning. Flipping is also compulsory.

Q5. How can I add toppings or frosting on cinnamon rolls?

Firstly cook the rolls on a blackstone griddle properly or evenly. Then add toppings to it. Chinese topping burning is minimized.

Q6. Can we cook cinnamon rolls at home?

Yes, you can cook cinnamon rolls at home. You can prepare the dough by yourself. It is an easy process.

People who love to eat cinnamon rolls can easily understand all processes and information about it. They can tell others how to cook cinnamon rolls on a blackstone griddle.

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