How To Make Condensed Milk From Evaporated Milk

As you know, condensed milk is also known as sweetened condensed milk. Water is removed from it, and evaporated milk is not improved. Some people ask how to make condensed milk from evaporated milk. For this purpose, we will discuss the process.


  • One can of evaporated milk.
  • 1 cup granulated sugar.
  • 1/2 teaspoon of vanilla extract (It is optional)


When all ingredients are in your hand, start your process.

  • Take a medium-size saucepan. Please put it on the stove on low to medium flame.
  • Pour evaporated milk or sugar into a saucepan.
  • Stir it continuously.
  • Add vanilla extract in it if you need it.
  • While boiling, keep an eye on milk. Check the color and consistency of the milk.
  • When pale color and rich consistency develops, turn off the stove’s flame.
  • Cool down at room temperature.
  • Store in a container and refrigerate it.
    This is the process of how to make condensed milk from evaporated milk.

Condensed Milk:

Condensed milk is a dairy product that is obtained by removing 60% of the water from it. For carbohydrate sources, we add sucrose in it. Milk is heated at 85 to 90°C. Sucrose increases the osmotic pressure of the liquid. This Osmotic pressure helps in controlling Microbial growth.

Other ways to make condensed milk

There are two other ways to make condensed milk.

1. From Fresh Milk:


  • Fresh Milk
  • Butter
  • Granulated sugar
  • Vanilla Extract


  • Take a medium-sized saucepan on the stove on low to medium flame.
  • Pour milk and sugar into a saucepan.
  • Stir the milk continuously.
  • When the quantity of milk is reduced to half, set the flame on low and again start stirring.
  • Now add butter and sugar to the milk.
  • Cool down at room temperature and refrigerate it.

2. From Milk Powder:


  • Boiling water
  • Non-fat dry powder milk.
  • Sugar
  • Butter
  • Vanilla Extract


  • Take a blender, boiling water, sugar, milk powder, melted butter, and vanilla extract.
  • Place the lid on the blender.
  • Cover with a kitchen towel.
  • Hold it firmly and start the blender.
  • Blend at high speed for 30 seconds until it gets smooth.
  • Now pour the milk into any jar or container.
  • Refrigerate it if you want.

Can you substitute condensed milk and evaporated milk?

Both these milk are a form of concentrated milk, They are common in it, but still, They are not used interchangeably. The main difference between Them is sugar content. When we make condensed milk from evaporated milk, it is sweet in taste. But when you substitute evaporated milk with condensed milk, its taste is very bland.

How do you thicken evaporated milk into condensed milk?

There are many ways to thicken evaporated milk into condensed milk.
1. Use a Food processor.
2. Mash evaporated milk, and add in some of the condensed that formed.
Be careful with this process. Condensed milk will be too thick and creamy in texture.

Can you use baking soda in condensed milk?

Yes, you can use baking soda in condensed milk. Baking soda is leaving agent in nature. It is used to raise condensed milk.
Baking soda also helps to change the taste of milk. It helps to sour milk and gives a sour taste.

Why condensed milk is sweet in taste?

The sweet taste comes from sugar removed from milk during the process. This process is called condensing.

Do you know condensed milk has eggs?

Some people think it does not have eggs, but some believe it is hidden. Some people think eggs are added accidentally during the process of condensed milk. So, it is still unknown that condensed milk has eggs or not.

How much water do you add to condensed milk?

Commonly adding water to condensed milk make it a simple form of milk. This form of milk is for drinking purposes. You can add milk in many ways, like from a cup, teaspoon, or pitcher.

  • All these things are related to milk, either condensed milk or evaporated milk.
    People who love this form of milk easily understand all the facts and tell others how to make condensed milk from evaporated milk.

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